Montreal fishing spots

Montreal fishing spots

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Monday, November 20, 2017

Our 2017 fishing season highlights

Another open water fishing season is in the books. Thank God, it was another productive season, with some new species and personal records beaten for most of the family. Equally if not more important, I spent time honing various fishing related skills and techniques.

Some if the season's highlights:

Southwest Florida shark fishing trip

Mijocama bass fishing trip

Domaine Shannon walleye trip

And some pics by species:

Largemouth bass:

Smallmouth bass

Walleye / pike

Trophy Musky

Carp pics accessible in the carp fishing pictures gallery page at:

I thank God for giving me the opportunity and ability to be able to fish as much as I do, as well as my wife for putting up with my fishing habit. Thank you again to everyone I've fished with over the past year, we should do it again sometime.

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