With camp over and school only starting next week, I took my 3 younger sons out for a day of mixed species shore fishing along with my dad. Weather hit close to 40 Celcius with the humidex, luckily we we in the shade most of the time. We still fished for carp and pike unsuccessfully, but managed tons of gobies along with a perch and small largemouth bass using live worms.

I also managed to get spot checked by the MNR conservation officer again, it's the 3rd time at that spot in 12 months, was the same guy as last year. Seems like 2 guys are running the same area in South Eastern Ontario. Glad to see my license fees are actually going somewhere.
Headed out the following evening for some more night time shore fishing for channel catfish, took my 8 year old son Avi for his first attempt at fighting fish that size. After picking up some live minnows, we set up at about 7:00 PM, managed 1 rock bass until dark.
First channel catfish hit at about 9:00 PM, Avi was thrilled to fight it, wasn't too big though, about 5 lbs or so. About 1/2 hour later, my buddy hooked into an 3 foot eel. Man are those things slimy, I was peeling slime like Elmer's glue of my had for the rest of the night after handling it.

By this time Avi's whining that he's tired, as it's nearly 11:00 PM and way past his bed time. Pity, the fishing was just heatin up, but I headed home to get him to bed.
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